2019 Summary


In the past year, I experienced life-changing moments. Some filled with sunshine, others devastatingly stormy. There were times I wanted to quit everything, become a hermit, and disappear off of the face of the earth, but the majority of the year held immense joy in self-exploration and learning the root of my pursuits and passions. 2019 started with renewal, I quit a job working full time with a corporate client, and started working part-time as a barista at a local coffee shop. The change was drastic and even a bit silly if finances and “prestige” were at stake, but I will say — it was the best career decision I made thus far.


I met some of the most genuine, hilarious, and kindhearted people in the past year and I am astounded by the fact I rang in the new year with people who would’ve been strangers just one year ago.

Polar Vortex 2019

My personal life started 2019 with a Polar Vortex… Traveling to the Midwest during the winter is not the wisest decision, but my best friend Elyse and I trekked up to Minnesota by bus with a mission to bring Elyse’s school items back home. We saw Chicago with Katie’s guidance and hospitality, we were welcomed with open arms into multiple dorm rooms at Bethany Global University where Elyse was originally pursuing education. The days locked in were filled with peanut butter sandwiches, using Marie Kondo techniques to purge clothing, board games, movies, and trying to get pizza while roaming around in temperatures rivaling those on Mars. We witnessed the freezing of the great lakes and actually found 20 degree weather to be “warm.” It was a whirlwind of a start to a new year, but with good friends and a place to sleep, you can whether anything (even 14 hour bus rides).

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Further Career Pursuits

2019 also granted me the opportunity of working in different fields whether it were in service, tech, or human-centered design, my skills were stretched to lengths I never thought possible. I worked on projects managing social media, setting up exhibits, and actively listening to strangers I never met. The career department of my life was intensely challenging, but a growth experience that hopefully shaped me for the better. I discovered that I have a love for communication, listening, and making — no matter the medium. I will be honest in saying the amount of tears I have cried because of work have been countless, and the days I do not want to do anything can’t be quantified on my fingers or toes, but I cannot deny the opportunities I had or the things I learned.

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personally speaking

The past 365 days were killer on my personal life. I went through countless bouts of self-doubt, anxiety, and approximately 10 gallon of tears. Long, precious relationships ended, new ones were formed, friends became strangers, and life continued. I don’t know if I fully recovered from the punches and kicks of the year, but if life taught me anything, it is: resilience is learned over time and anything stereo-typically beautiful (i.e. diamonds, gold, Instagram influencers, anyone who has ever chased their dreams and made it, etc.) has to go through trials (i.e. pressure, fire, intense regiments, rejection, etc.) and I am no exception. I am thankful to have a handful of friends (read: family) who will stay by my side through thick and thin, and I am thankful for anything that had to be lost in order to be healed. Without loss, I would have never experienced or known what makes my heart sing or what is worth trying even if failure is inevitable. I now realize that people and the stories they share were a theme throughout my 2019 as my own personal story was unraveled and put back together again and to that I say “Bring it on, 2020, kick me in the mother f***king face.”