Day 1: Writing Challenge

Today I noticed… Calm.

Air felt like it was fresh once more. I noticed how my feet felt firm on the floor and how colors were so vibrant they yelled. Today everything looked different and I don’t know whether to attribute it to the amount of caffeine I have consumed or to the softness of a city taking a breath — Maybe both are to blame. The worries that I had yesterday are gone and I am left with a feeling of contentment. My mind, once in a haze has been transformed and I feel like I have awoken from a deep depression, made new again.

For some reason, life seems different everyday.

Yesterday, it was the frustrations. Today, it is the joy.

I have no idea what day of the week it is, but I have noticed that each passing day has its own personality. Unique and telling of who it tries to be. Today is a Sunday. Cool, calm, and restful. Clear weather and noises so distinct. It’s almost as if the city says “thank you” as it rests and prepares for a new week ahead. Even though time is moving slowly and seeping together like a sad ice cream sundae, I can’t help but think each passing moment is unique, hopeful, and filled with thoughts of a new tomorrow.

For months on end I have been craving stillness.

The world provides these moments… cravings filled.

For the next 10 days, I am trying a writing challenge that starts with the phrase “Today I noticed…” it will contain my thoughts for 10 minutes per day and will (hopefully) be a good way to practice writing and push my thinking.