Day 2: Writing Challenge

Today I noticed fire.





In the current timeline, life feels like a dream… nightmare, rather. Days and weeks are sewn shoddily together by stitches stretching and falling apart at the seams. People look like monsters, politicians like parasites, and everyone keeps saying how they want everything to go back to “normal.”

What in the world is “normal?”

Normal sounds like a poor excuse for ignorance, for being asleep, for allowing the status quo and power structures to be commonplace. Who cares if the rich get exponentially richer as the working class are losing benefits? Who cares that healthcare is not a right? Who cares that everything is run like a business? I’ll sell you this hand sanitizer for the small price of your soul.

Normal was never normal to begin with, but we all knew that.

The fire that is burning inside of countless people, restless to change the future, filled with rage at the things that be is one that can not be extinguished by mere niceties. We need change. We need dignity. We are tired of things the way they were. It’s not sustainable, and it never was.

We can never go back to normal, we have to move forward.

And maybe, we can learn a lesson from the stereotypical theater kids and nerds from high school — we all need to be a little weird to change. Normal is not only boring, but normal was toxic. Don’t let normal bully you into thinking it was the right choice. Normal may have been idealized, but it will never be ideal.